

Community groups

Expressions of interest from Community Groups are now open for various roles at Agfest 2025.

If your organisation/group is interested in this opportunity, please contact us via email or by phoning the Administration Office on 6331 6154

Please find the Expression of interest form and Job Description of each available role below. Please send us an Expression of Interest, by 5pm, Friday 1st December 2024.

Agfest would not happen without the service organisations and community groups who provide volunteers to help out with the smooth running of the event, over the years these have included:

Site Cleanup:

Island Drill Dance

Litter Patrol

St Patrick's College - Friends of Music

First Aid:

St. John Ambulance

Emergency Responses:

Tasmania Fire Service

Boundary & Car Park Security:

Tas Mounted Search & Rescue

Parcel Pickup:

Tasmanian Ploughing Association

Baby Feed & Change:

Breastfeeding Association of Australia

Lost Children:

Girl Guides

Traffic Wardens:


plus many other groups who provide volunteers for the catering, heritage displays and other services provided for the comfort and enjoyment of patrons at Agfest.

AGFEST 2017 HR DGP 00623
AGFEST 2017 HR DGP 00641