Grier Brindley
Posted on 27 August, 2022
TasNetworks is giving Tasmania’s the chance to win a 2-night stay at the Freychinet lodge to aid in the achievement of Tasmanian’s 200% renewable target by 2040.
TasNetworks is Tasmania’s electricity and distribution networks, allowing Tasmanians to access power from where it is generated.
For TasNetworks, Agfest as a great opportunity to meet clients and raise awareness of upcoming projects such as the ‘Northwest Transmission development.’
Tasmania has a goal to achieve a 200 percent renewable target by 2040. To make this achievable, the state must double the amount of renewable energy it produces.
At a household level, there are smart energy saving people can make today, they can minimise drafts in winter and install solar technologies.
The benefits to Tasmania extends to exports. The state can sell wind-produced energy and use hydro systems more efficiently when the wind isn’t blowing
This community input extends to the TasNetwork's ‘Annual Customer Survey,’ offering customers the chance to win a 2-night stay at the Freychinet lodge.
Dan Sinkovits from TasNetworks explains, “this survey helps us understand what we need to do as a business to serve customers better and gain information to help us continue to improve.”
“Your input's important to help us shape our business – now and for future generations”.