Rainer Curcio
Posted on 03 May, 2019
A Science Technology Engineering Arts and Maths (STEAM) initiative called Bright Sparks by TasNetworks is encouraging the younger generation to think about the electricity that powers their homes.
Dan Fracalossi from TasNetworks speaks passionately about the program.
“We go into schools and we run events like this and get kids interested and educated about electricity,” said Mr Fracalossi.
A demonstration at the TasNetworks tent lets children operate a miniature power grid and shows them just how much energy is required to power their house.
“We can show them how easy it is to power one house. Then when we add additional houses, it’s actually a lot harder.”
“It shows them that it takes a lot more energy if you have all the lights on.” Mr Fracalossi explains.
TasNetworks present their program in schools across the state.
TasNetworks are a regular stall holder at Agfest and present their educational programs every year.
(Photo by Imogen Johnston)