Agfest Field Days
Posted on 29 January, 2021
Rural Youth is calling on Tasmanians to go online from 1 February to purchase tickets to the Agfest field days being organised back in the paddock from 5 – 8 May.
As part of Agfest’s commitment to organising a compliant, safe and successful event, ticket sales will only be available online to enable contact tracing.
Agfest Chairman Ethan Williams encouraged all Tasmanians to support the event by going online at from 1 February to purchase entry tickets to the four-day field days.
“As there will be a limit on patron numbers and no gates sales, it is essential that all patrons are quick to secure their tickets online,” Mr Williams said.
“We have already been overwhelmed by the level of interest from exhibitors, sponsors, schools, groups and others wishing to attend the event.
“The Agfest volunteers were heartbroken to cancel Agfest 2020 in the paddock, but we are still smiling following the success of moving the event into the cloud. Now, we are 200 per cent focused on delivering another fabulous Agfest at Quercus near Carrick again this year.”
Early bird pricing will be available from 1 February until 31 March, with individual, family, senior and special four-day passes on offer.
Successful exhibitor applicants will be notified today, and it is expected that approximately 550 exhibitors – selling everything from boats to boots to pumps to plants to trucks to tools – will again be featured.
A number of important changes will be introduced to Agfest 2021, including a new site layout, the dispersal of food and craft exhibitors to alleviate crowd congestion, volunteer COVID agents, social distancing across the site, hand sanitising stations and moving to a four-day event.
Mr Williams again thanked the Tasmanian Government and the entire Agfest family for their commitment to this important event that injects at least $25 million into the Tasmanian economy each year. “Don’t miss out,” he said. “We are working tirelessly to make this event happen and can’t wait to welcome you to Quercus from 5 – 8 May and in the cloud from 8 – 15 May.
For more information head to our Admission page.