Agfest live captures the best moments of Agfest 2019
Andre Abrego

Andre Abrego
Posted on 04 May, 2019

Agfest live captures the best moments of Agfest 2019

Hot chillies, off-script pollies, and the odd technical hiccup, welcome to the wonderful world of live streaming.

Devonport-based Nova Design and Print are the team behind Agfest Live, the ANZ-sponsored live streaming broadcast that we see on the big screen beside the ANZ tent.

The livestream caught some classic great moments, fiery cooking displays, talkative kids, and all the general fun of Agfest. A classic moment came when Steve and Simon, the two fantastic presenters of Agfest Live, tried the hottest chilli in Tasmania. And then proceeded to suffer on camera, much to the entertainment of onlookers.

Live broadcasting is always an unpredictable medium, but Mark Vernon from Nova says he’s very happy with how Agfest Live is progressing.

“Everything is on time, and we’ve even squeezed a few more things in, which is good,” says Mark.

Pauline Hanson’s interview with Simon and Steve was another classic for Agfest Live. The mix of characters and opinions led to a funny and interesting interview.

ANZ bank played an integral role in bringing the livestream together. Their sponsorship providing the means and technology to broadcast to a large audience.

Chris Sparks the regional executive for ANZ bank says: “We could talk finance and we can talk accounts, but where we can make a big difference is the decisions that we make and where we put our time, people and resources.”

This is ANZ ‘s 14th year in a row at Agfest, evidence of the bank’s commitment and support of rural Tasmania.
