AGFEST Site Awards Announced
Chloe Bonney

Chloe Bonney
Posted on 25 August, 2022

AGFEST Site Awards Announced

Exhibitors honoured in 2022 Site Awards

AGFEST Site Awards

Every year AGFEST awards the best in show for the hard work and skill of creative exhibitors.

Vice Chairman Caitlin Radford teamed up with three external judges to explore the AGFEST sites and select 8 winners as best on site for their category.

“It’s a great way to give back to exhibitors, we know they put just as much effort in as we do to make sure that their site is looking great, has interesting or interactive displays and that their staff are friendly and ready for the public”

A long running tradition, AGFEST site awards are sought after and some spend years putting in the work to be crowned winner.

“I'm absolutely blown away; this is something we’ve been hoping for six years running and to win this year is incredible" says Wes Polden store manager of Woolworths Riverside and winner of this year's Most Accessible Site award.

With so many fantastic exhibitors on the grounds again this year the judges had their work cut out for them, these are the businesses that took home the prize this year;

Best Small Site – The Bakers Group

The Bakers Group have recently expanded into Synthetic Turf, and it showed at the AGFEST Newcomers exhibition. Referencing Andrew Yule Business Procurement Officers skills as a tennis player was a precisely laid homage to the tennis court, featuring the full Bakers Group Synthetic Turf Range. The vibrant display attracted much attention, especially from fascinated youngsters ready for a quick match!

The Bakers group can be found at site 322.

The Valley irrigation team are presented their site award, AGFEST, 2022

Best Large Site – Valley Irrigation

Valley irrigation spent months planning and days building their exhibit and the hard work has paid off with this year's site award.

“We came to Agfest to set the standard for what an irrigation company can do for their customers and present it in a professional manner.” says the Valley Irrigation team.

They have achieved what they set out to with their extensive display of irrigation products and information bring the crowds through.

Valley Irrigation can be found at site CWA6

Most Accessible Exhibition – Woolworths

Woolworths beautifully presented pavilion showcases the high-quality Tasmanian products t with free samples for the public. For Woolworths store manager Wes Polden, the win was affirmation of the amount of hard work his team put into creating an engaging and thoughtful exhibition.

“It’s so good to have the work you put in recognised but at the end of the day it's all about getting people interested in the Tasmanian Brands and Tasmanian produce we can offer them”

Head over to the Woolworths site at S49 for a taste of Tassie.

Best Quercus Taste Exhibition – Gaunt Family Farm

Gaunt Family farm has impressed the hungry masses with their farm-fresh meat.

Gaunt Family farm has impressed the hungry masses with their farm-fresh, Tasmanian grown meats. The incredible aromas wafting from their site and the line of eager patrons waiting for a taste are testament to the quality and appeal of the product.

"We're just really passionate about connecting with the community and establishing that paddock to plate mentality with our farm."

The Gaunt Family Farm can be found at 106-108

Best Ag Machinery Display – Midland Tractors

Midland Tractors' impressive display of machinery stole the show this year and brought home a win for the team following the judging today. Richard Palmer, Silvan representative and Lee Curtain, Group sales manager were happy to see their hard work pay off after days preparing their site for opening day.

“To bring an entire dealership out here for a few days takes an enormous effort and we are so grateful to all the staff who have put in extra time to make sure everything looks great” says Lee Curtain.

Midland tractors can be found at site M13

Best Equine and Livestock Exhibition – Craggy Island Highlands

Craggy Island Highlands has been a crowd favourite this AGFEST with their Highland cattle enamouring all who come across them. The stunning cows have been perfectly groomed for the occasion and the trip from the south was well worth it for the Craggy Island team after today's win.

The Craggy Island Highlands can be found at site E04

Best Business and Lifestyle – NRM North

Natural Resource Management Northern Tasmania made an impression on the judges and patrons alike with their thoughtful and intelligent displays on resource management. The friendly NRM team have also been outstandingly friendly, helpful and knowledgeable when interacting with the public.

To learn more about NRM head over to site D10

Best Craft Exhibition – Laser Stuff Tasmania

Laser Stuff’s innovative woodwork has caught many eyes this Agfest and the judges were no exception. Their outstanding selection of handcrafted wooden products, bubbly staff and dedication to creating the best exhibit paid off as they took home the win this year with store owner Sharee Melinda commenting

“Everyone has gone to such effort so to be chosen for this is truly amazing.”
