Agfest Field Days
Posted on 22 September, 2021
Coming to Agfest 2022 - New Tasmanian Hospitality Association (THA) Expo, located on South Street in the former Unique Taste Pavilion the expo showcases a mix of quality industry related service providers, paddock to plate experience, industry information, careers expo and a refreshment beverage centre.
Name of Company:
Tasmanian Hospitality Association
Location of Company:
25/93 Salamanca Place Hobart
Two-sentence or more description of the history, products and / or services provided:
The Tasmanian Hospitality Association is the peak industry body for hotels, accommodation, restaurants, cafes, caterers, community, sporting and RSL clubs in Tasmania. The THA is a proactive body which always seeks to advocate for the hospitality sector, and ensure Tasmania has a viable and profitable hospitality industry both now and into the future. Informed by direct industry contact and member representation, the THA actively seeks to engage all levels of government to lobby on behalf of the sector and play a lead role in the formation of industry-relevant policies. The THA represents members which make up Tasmania’s third largest industry and is at the cutting edge of promoting Tasmania’s quality food and beverage experiences to visitors and locals alike.
Number of years exhibited at Agfest:
None – this is a magnificent opportunity
Why do you choose to exhibit at Agfest:
Agfest is an exciting opportunity to showcase our products and services and the amazing Hospitality Industry in Tasmania at one of Tasmania’s Icon events with a potential exposure to 60,000 visitors. The THA has mature programs and these complement our magnificent industry, and we are excited to showcase these to as many people as we can. Hospitality as a career is a great option – we need to get that message out further and further and where better to shout it out loud.
What three words would you use to describe Agfest:
Iconic, huge, and Tasmanian
Describe why you are most excited about being a part of Agfest for 2022:
The opportunity to showcase our people and produce.
What will your feature include for Agfest 2022:
The Bar, local produce, fine products, inspiration for potential Hospitality staff.
Describe your planned site for Agfest 2022, focusing on any new products / services / additions to your site:
Still working this up but we will have events each day that will entertain and educate, we will have fine produce of food and beverages, and we will educate many about Hospitality – it’s not the job you have on the way through, it’s a career
If you could deliver one message to the Rural Youth volunteers that organise Agfest, what would it be?
Thank you for the opportunity, keep doing what you are doing
Check out our 175 year story below.