Rainer Curcio
Posted on 03 May, 2019
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has a Field Day at Agfest 2019
Labor leader Bill Shorten and deputy leader Tanya Plibersek – followed by a busload of national press – met exhibitors, local farmers and producers, and visitors to this year’s Agfest.
The opposition leader and his entourage descended upon Agfest on Thursday afternoon, happy to be seen at Tasmania’s premiere rural event.
Mr Shorten took the opportunity to make a big policy announcement ahead of this year’s federal election.
Labor pledged to invest around $45million into recreational fishing. The funds would be used to upgrade infrastructure such as boat ramps and jetties, said Mr Shorten.
Following this announcement, Mr Shorten and Ms Plibersek greeted stallholders and members of the public. Agfest chairman Owen Woolley was pleased to see the pollies taking an interest in the event.
“It was nice that they acknowledged our event and to take the time out of their busy schedule to come along and have a quick glance at Agfest,” Mr Woolley said.
Agfest 2019 has proven to be hot-stop on the election trail for politicians hoping to garner support from the agricultural sector.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison also made an appearance for the opening ceremony. Pauline Hanson and Jacqui Lambie have also been spotted at the event.
“It was nice they recognised Agfest as one of the bigger attractions for them to attend in the state so close to the end of their campaigns. I imagine glimpses of Agfest have been seen all over Australia and maybe internationally,” said Mr Woolley.